Category: Article

The Importance of Studying and Designing the Mechanical Cladding System of Stone, Marble, and Porcelain

The Importance of Studying and Designing the Mechanical Cladding System of Stone, Marble, and Porcelain

    The façade of a building is not just its face to the world—it embodies its architectural identity and structural integrity. Among the various materials used for cladding, stone, marble, and porcelain stand out for their timeless elegance, durability, and versatility. However, to fully harness their benefits, a well-studied and carefully designed mechanical cladding […]

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The Relationship between Keep-Nut Anchors and Mechanical Cladding Systems

The Relationship between Keep-Nut Anchors and Mechanical Cladding Systems

Mechanical cladding systems are essential in modern construction, providing both aesthetic appeal and structural integrity to buildings. These systems involve the use of various mechanical fixings and accessories to attach cladding materials, such as stone, marble, and porcelain panels, to the building’s framework. Among these fixings, Keep-Nut anchors play a crucial role in ensuring the […]

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تركيب كلادينج بورسلان ميكانيكيا

تركيب كلادينج بورسلان ميكانيكيا

تركيب كلادينج بورسلان على واجهات الفلل أصبح اليوم أمرا رائجا. فكيف الأمر عندما يصبح التركيب ميكانيكيا لكلادينج البورسلان ؟ اليوم، مع شركة تكنيك للصناعات الهندسية  و حلولها المبتكرة لتركيب كلادينج البورسلان ميكانيكا صار كلادينج البورسلان يتم تركيبه بطريقة متينة و سريعة

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